Category: Cigar Guides

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  • Category: Cigar Guides
The anatomy of a cigar

The anatomy of a cigar

Smoking a cigar is an enjoyable experience, and the construction of a cigar is an art form to be admired. Every layer of a cigar is carefully considered and then meticulously assembled to ensure you have a great smoking experience. When smoking cigars, you may or may not be aware there are three main parts

A guide to cigar tools for novice smokers

A guide to cigar tools for novice smokers

Cigar tools are an excellent investment when beginning your smoking journey. There’s a lot to learn when you’re just getting acquainted with cigars, from the best way to cut and light your cigar to choosing the best tools to make the most of your chosen stogie. Whether you are new to the wonderful world of

Can cigars give you a buzz?

Can cigars give you a buzz?

Many new smokers wonder, can cigars give you a buzz? The answer is yes. Smokers can experience a nicotine buzz, especially from stronger cigars. The intensity of the buzzing sensation can depend on various factors such as the cigar size, the kind of tobacco the cigar is constructed with, and how fast you smoke it.

How to refill your cigar lighter properly

After repeated flicks of your cigar lighter, reality sets in. You’ve now got to reluctantly accept that your cigar lighter is empty, so your stogie must remain unlit for now. Unlike a moldy cigar , an empty cigar lighter is far from a disaster, but there’s still a strict process you’ll need to follow. We’re