Category: Cigar Guides

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  • Category: Cigar Guides
Signs your cigars are too dry

Signs your cigars are too dry

For any cigar aficionado (budding or otherwise), going to light up a cigar just to discover it has dried out can be incredibly disappointing. What you thought would be an indulgent smoke has now lost its integrity and the promise of a satisfactory cigar all but disappeared. An overly dry cigar can impact the flavor,

A brief guide to what makes Cuban cigars so special

A brief guide to what makes Cuban cigars so special

Cuban cigars have a strong reputation in the cigar industry, and rightfully so. Known for their incredible flavors and unique blends, these cigars stand out for their intricate craftsmanship and ability to create an unmatched smoking experience.  Many tobacco-growing countries strive to create their own niche in the competitive cigar market. However, few can compare

What are filtered cigars?

What are filtered cigars?

Filtered cigars are machine-made cigars with the same structure as traditional smokes but with the addition of a filter. This cigar style comes in various flavors and can offer a unique smoking experience. Picking up a pack of filtered cigars can be a great option if you’re new to the cigar world and want to

Everything you need to know about flying with cigars

Everything you need to know about flying with cigars

Smoking a cigar is one of life’s simple pleasures. But things get more complicated when you’re up in the clouds. From correctly packing your favorite smokes to the number of cigars you can take on board, you need to be prepared when traveling with cigars on a plan. We’ve packed this guide with everything you