Smoking your first cigar can be a delightful experience. However, some guidelines about cigar smoking exist, as they can make or break your smoking experience. One of these guidelines is how to avoid smoking a cigar too fast.
Smoking a cigar too fast doesn’t sound too bad on the face of it. But when you experience the unpleasantness of smoking a cigar too fast for the first time, you may understand why you should take things more slowly.
Most smokers will experience speedy smoking implications at least once. Cigars aren’t designed to be a ‘quick’ smoke in the same sense as cigarettes are.
Smoking a cigar too fast will ruin your smoking experience. Not only this, but you can end up with cigar nausea. The good news is if you experience this at least once, you know not to do it again.
If you’ve experienced smoking a cigar too fast before, you may be aware of the symptoms. If you haven’t, this guide will help you avoid common mistakes.
Pay attention to the taste
One of the most obvious signs of smoking your cigar way too fast is that you will not be able to taste it as you should. This means you can taste something, just not the delightful aroma of flavors your cigar promised.
A cigar burning too fast will create a rather unpleasant, bitter, and acrid taste on your palate. Once you become familiar with the art of smoking a cigar, this will be one of the most obvious signs you’re smoking too fast.
The key to fixing this is to slow down when taking your draw and truly enjoy the cigar. Give yourself a calm rest in between puffs, and you can even allow the cigar to sit in an ashtray if you have one to hand.
Avoid smoking on an empty stomach
A little bit of food goes a long way before you light your cigar. Before kicking back and lighting your cigar, consider having something to eat.
When you decide to smoke a cigar with an empty stomach, the nicotine is ingested into your bloodstream much faster, and you are more likely to start feeling nauseous.
We understand not wanting to eat a big meal, as you want your palate to be fresh before your first draw. However, this shouldn’t stop you from enjoying a light snack or energy bar.
Smoke slowly
Try to take slow puffs to allow yourself to appreciate the delightful notes of your cigar.
If you puff too fast on your cigar, you can experience a burned taste, which you want to avoid. Nicotine also has a latent effect, so it’s in your best interest to smoke slowly and consume your cigar at a manageable pace. If you smoke your cigar too fast, it can lead to cigar sickness.
Allow the aroma to fill the air and enjoy the delicious nuances on your palate. Take a puff of your cigar every thirty seconds to a minute and you’ll discover more of the nuances in a cigar’s flavor profile.
Cigar sickness
When you experience cigar sickness, it’s not the greatest feeling, and you may be wondering how long cigar sickness last. This really depends on what you do next.
When you experience cigar nausea, it can help to eat a piece of chocolate or sip on a soft drink. The key thing here is sugar. It’s a great cure for nicotine sickness as it counters the effects and is a fast and easy cure to help you feel better.
Another great tip to remember when smoking is to stay hydrated! Ensure you drink plenty of water between puffs. This way, you can be confident you will avoid the dreaded cigar sickness.
Do not inhale
Rule number one when it comes to smoking a cigar is not to inhale. This critical piece of advice is considered sacred by most cigar smokers.
Cigars are very different from cigarettes, which you do inhale, because they are made from 100% long-filler tobacco with no additives or chemicals.
When smoking for the first time, you need to be aware that cigars are handcrafted from pure tobacco. They contain way more nicotine than cigarettes and if you inhale them, you’re more likely to cough and risk a large amount of nicotine entering your bloodstream quickly.
If you’re new to cigars, review our tips on how to smoke a cigar, which covers guided steps. Draw the smoke onto your palate and gently push it out after a few seconds, but don’t suck it into your diaphragm or lungs.
Smoke a cigar you have time for
The final tip we have to avoid smoking a cigar too fast is to always smoke a cigar you have time for. Size is an incredibly important factor, and we’d recommend not smoking a large cigar in as little as thirty minutes. Aim for a smaller-sized cigar if you’re limited on time.
If you’ve slowed down smoking and are still experiencing some issues as your cigar begins to burn, there may be another cigar problem to be aware of.