Category: Cigar Basics

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  • Category: Cigar Basics
Difference between a pipe and a cigar

Difference between a pipe and a cigar

Cigars and pipes are popular among many tobacco smokers. Cigarettes are typically more popular, however cigars and pipes are often associated as a more elegant way of smoking tobacco. Cigar vs Pipe When comparing a cigar and a pipe, the main difference between these is how they’re delivered to the palette. To enjoy a premium

How to hold a cigar in your mouth

How to hold a cigar in your mouth

Smoking a cigar for the first time, you may worry about holding a cigar in your hand or your mouth.   Knowing how to hold a cigar in your mouth is essential for ensuring the best draw of every smoke. You must be aware of some things that can happen if you hold a cigar in

What is the difference between a cigar and a cigarette?

What is the difference between a cigar and a cigarette?

You should use the terms cigars and cigarettes sparingly. The word ‘cigar’ might be in the word cigarette, and both are tobacco-based products, but the similarities end there. We will guide you through the differences between cigars and cigarettes so you never get confused. Cigars vs. Cigarettes Size If you put a cigar and cigarette

Cigar Lingo Guide and Terminology

Cigar Lingo Guide and Terminology

Whether you are new to the world of cigars or have been lighting up your favorite sticks for years, there is a wealth of cigar lingo for you to familiarize yourself with. Finding a stogie that satisfies your smoking soul can be difficult if you’re unsure about some of the most common (and less used)